#beloveHK 21 Days of Love
Gifts of Love
The #beloveHK 21 Days of Love has completed with incredible divine grace and beauty.
We deeply honor all the 21 souls who shared their yummy Gifts of Love. We hope you have enjoyed these gifts that supports you to raise your vibrations. For the full complication of gifts, refer below.
May you be well, may you be happy, may you be love.
With love,
#beloveHK Community
Day 1 "Yoga Nidra"with Myriam Bartu
Day 2 "Healing Sounds of Water" with Amanda Yik

Access Amanda's recording here.
Day 3 "Inner Peace with Handpan Meditation" with KK Lam
Day 4 "Breathing with the Moon" with Tiffany Fung
Day 5 "EFT to Access Calm within Yourself" with Falguni Mather
Day 6 "Messages from Mother Earth" with Santa Lau
Day 7 "Messages of Love" with Phil Davies
Day 8 "Chanting Sacred Sounds with Monochord" with Tina Li
Day 9 "Raising our Love Vibration through Singing" with Rhiann Suen
Day 10 "Crystal Healing Meditation" with Michelle Harris

Access Michele's meditation recording here
Day 11 "Gentle Yoga Practice" with Nicola Belen
Day 12 "Yoga Breathing Techniques" with Honey Pamnani
Day 13 "Staying Strong & Positive" with Cristina Rodenbeck
Day 14 "Song of the Heart" with Kumi Masunaga
Day 15 "What is Beautiful about Hong Kong" with Rainbow
Day 16 "Unmasking & Coming Back to Love" with Yvonne Yjemani Li
Day 17 "Prayer of Blessing" with Veena Dansinghani
Day 18 "Breath Again - A Lungs AcuYin Pressure Yoga" with May Lim
Day 19 "Breath . Reset . Resource . Enable True Immunity" with Anita Cheung
Day 20 "Attention is the Healer of Separation" with May Nogoy
Day 21 "Soothing Sounds of Lyre" with Grace Shemaya Chen
#beloveHK 21 Days of Love
9th - 29th February, gifts available on social media
We are inviting everyone to join #beloveHK for "21 Days of Love" from the very comfort of your own home or office. With the coronavirus scare, there are fewer people going out due to the fear of the virus spreading. Holding on to fears excessively will lower your vibrations and your immune system, whereas staying positive in love will raise your vibrations and support your mental and physical health.
From the 9th to 29th of February, there will be 21 practitioners freely sharing their *Gifts of Love* for 21 days. Every day, we will be sharing a new post here and we invite you to join us for these exercises, programs, and inspiration as per your heart guidance. And of course, in these times of need, share the Love with your friends and family not only in HK but with everyone.
At times we can receive Love
At times we can give Love
Together, we can Be Love.
With all our love,
Be Love
*Please note the *Gifts of Love* will be launched via Be Love HKFB page,#beloveHK FB group, #belove_HK IG channels and youtube channel
#beloveHK, #就係愛香港,#loveHK, #pray4HK, #pray4Wuhan, #pray4China, #pray4humanity, #pray4Earth
Day 1 -